Chatbots are a great way to automate processes and simplify customer service, perfect for small businesses. This article talks about what chatbots are, how small businesses use chatbots, and why you need one.

Chatbots are a relatively new technology that can be programmed to answer basic customer questions and handle simple transactions like ordering a product. Chatbots are for customer service, customer retention, and lead generation. They are becoming increasingly common and are emerging as a popular way for companies to provide their customers with a quick, easy and personalised experience.

Your business can create chatbots that work on popular services such as Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp.

Chatbots are excellent customer service tools for small business

Chatbots can provide a great customer service tool for a small business. In many instances, they may even be better than humans. Chatbots allow you to provide 24/7 customer service without hiring customer service representatives that might not always be available to answer questions.

The main benefits of using chatbots for customer service include:

·    Chatbots provide a 24/7 customer service option

·    Chatbots can answer all of the frequently asked questions that may arise

·    Chatbots can provide information faster than customer service reps

Chatbots can help with lead generation

Chatbots can help you lead generation by interacting with people and answering questions about your products and services.

Your business can use lead magnets with chatbots to incentivise users and provide them with additional information, thus generating sales leads. For example, a chatbot that has a lead magnet that offers a free ebook could send that offer to first-time visitors to your website.

Chatbots can also offer deals that are relevant to the product or service offered. For example, if the chatbot is for a pet store, a lead magnet could be a coupon for a free bag of food. The visitor has to provide some details to the chatbot and join your mailing list in exchange for the offer.

Chatbots can increase sales

Many new artificial intelligence-powered chatbots can help small businesses increase sales and customer engagement. Here are some of the ways you can use chatbots for your small business. By integrating with CRM data, your business can use chatbots to sell products through your website. With the information your website and CRM has gathered from a website visitor, lead, or existing customer, the chatbot knows what someone's preferences are and can then take this information to offer products that will be more beneficial to the customer.

Chatbots can be helpful on e-commerce product pages, particularly where customers want to compare similar products. Chatbots can answer questions about the products and what they're good for and recommend products based on the shopper's age, gender, location, etc. This type of chatbot would be a lot more convenient than having to scroll through pages of products and read through descriptions.

Facebook Messenger chatbots are a popular type of chatbot

One of the most popular platforms for implementing chatbots is Facebook Messenger, the social media behemoth's messaging app. Messenger bots can provide automated responses to common customer queries regarding opening hours or special offers. Some larger organisations, such as banks, use Messenger bots to handle customer account queries like providing current account balances.

Tools for creating Facebook Messenger bots are available. One such tool is Chatfuel, which has a drag-and-drop interface and templates to help develop chatbots. Making a chatbot with Chatfuel is simple; choose a template, customise it and then push the "Create" button. There is no knowledge of coding or development required at all.

In conclusion

Chatbots are suitable for small businesses because they can save time and money while also providing 24/7 customer service and helping generate sales. They can be deployed where users are already chatting, such as Facebook Messenger and on your website.

To learn more about implementing chatbots in your small business, schedule a call today.
