If you're not tracking your digital marketing metrics, you're not capturing the data that's necessary to make informed decisions about your online marketing. Before you make changes in content strategy or in-house processes, you need to take the time to reflect on how your marketing is performing.

Website user sessions


Website user sessions (or sessions, in other words) is a metric that quantifies how long your users are engaged with your website. User sessions show how often a visitor enters your site and stays on the page. You will often see user sessions split into two categories: new and returning. New users are people who have just visited the website for the first time. Returning users are people who have visited the website before.

Bounce rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a site who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. An increase in bounce rate can indicate that a site might be unappealing, poorly organized, or too difficult to navigate. A higher bounce rate on a website could mean that the site is not as effective at converting visitors into leads and customers as it could be. This is particularly useful when analysing the performance of different channels; for example, you would want to check the bounce rate for online advertising campaigns. The more people that see your ad and then leave your site, the less effective the ad is.


Cost-per-click (CPC) is the amount of money that advertisers pay when someone clicks on their advertisement. Cost-per-click is calculated by dividing the total advertising budget by the number of clicks, or views. For example, if a company spends £100 and 10 people click on their advertisement, the cost-per-click would be £10.

Advertisers use cost-per-click as a basic metric that informs the amount they are paying for their advertisement to be displayed for a particular keyword or target audience. By monitoring CPC across different ad groups, advertisers can see why they are getting the best return-on-ad-spend.

Visitor-to-lead ratio

The visitor-to-lead ratio is the proportion of visitors that convert on your website to become leads. For example, if there are 100,000 visitors and 1,000 conversions, the visitor-to-lead ratio is 10:1. You should look at this metric as it shows how effective your marketing is in converting site visitors into leads.

Lead-to-customer ratio

The lead-to-customer ratio is the number of leads that you generate divided by the number of customers that purchase your product. The higher the number, the better, as it means you're generating more leads than customers. For example, if you have 100 leads and 10 customers, your lead-to-customer ratio is 10:1.



Return-on-ad-spend, also called ROAS, is one of the most important metrics in digital marketing because it's an indication of how effective your ad spend is. It tracks the profit on every dollar you spend on advertising and is expressed as a percentage. In other words, it tells you how much money your ad is making for every dollar you invest in it.

ROAS is calculated by dividing the money spent on ads by the revenue generated from those ads. The higher the ROAS, the better the marketing campaign performance.

Unsubscribe rate

The unsubscribe rate is the percentage of people who unsubscribe from an email list. Digital marketers need to keep an eye on this rate, as it tells you how well your emails are working to capture and retain subscribers. It's a good metric to track over time, as your unsubscribe rate can go up or down depending on various factors.


The most common reason for unsubscribes is simply that people no longer want to receive emails from your company. This could be because they found another provider that better suits their needs, they don't like your products or services, they got an email that they weren't happy with, or you were emailing them too frequently (although you would have to be emailing very often for this to be the case).

Mailing list growth rate

The mailing list growth rate is the percentage of new email subscribers over a given period. It is the most accurate measure of the size of your email list. The rate at which your mailing list is growing is more important than its size. If it is growing by 1,000 subscribers a month and you have 2,000 on the list now, you’re doing great!

Cost-of-customer acquisition

The cost-of-customer-acquisition (COCA) is a metric that helps marketers calculate the total costs incurred when acquiring a new customer. The COCA will include such things as your marketing budget, how much you paid for advertising and other promotional costs, and other costs like salaries and wages.

The cost of customer acquisition is important to understand because it can help you determine how much you need to spend to acquire a new customer. It also helps you understand how quickly you can recoup the money you spend on acquiring a customer, which is important for measuring your Return on Investment (ROI).

Customer lifetime value


Understanding LTV will help you figure out how much time and effort should be put into acquiring new customerse.

Customer lifetime value is the value of a customer over the entire duration of their customer relationship with a company. The metric is calculated by taking the sum of the net present value of all future cash flows and discounts them to get to a net present value. This number is then divided by the customer base at the beginning of the year to get the average customer lifetime value.

Customer lifetime value is an important metric because it can provide insight into what customers are worth to the company. Understanding LTV will help you figure out how much time and effort should be put into acquiring new customers, retaining existing ones, and maximizing the value of customers.

This blog was created with inputs from an AI copywriting- assistant LongShot AI
